16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray without ceasing.
18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice evermore. Rejoice now until the end of time. Forever. Not just when I feel like it. Not just when times are good. Yes, rejoice in the great times. Rejoice in the amazing times. That's easy, Ash. But rejoice in the sad times. Rejoice in the troubling times. Always rejoice. Evermore and evermore. The word evermore in this verse makes the old hymn pop in my mind, "Of the Father's Love Begotten." And that, of course, is why we can always find something to rejoice about. No matter what, we've got Jesus to rejoice in.
"Of the Father’s love begotten, ere the worlds began to be,
He is Alpha and Omega, He the source, the ending He,
Of the things that are, that have been,
And that future years shall see, evermore and evermore!"
This season of Thanksgiving is different than other seasons because this year it's minus Dad. It's hard for me to rejoice in that. I rejoice that he's with Jesus. But there's an ache in my heart that he's not here getting ready to fry the ole turkey. He was so good at it. Worked so hard to get everything cooked just so and make us all happy. And he could cook, boy, could he cook! I had no idea that last year would be my last Thanksgiving to see him. No idea. I try to be strong, I try to pray, I try not to cry. But I'm no good at it.
I rejoice that in the midst of my bizarre dreams, God gave me the gift of a visit from Dad in one of them this week. He was just driving by, rolled down his window, and yelled out, "You're doing a great job!" He had a big ole grin on his face. Thank you, God, for sending him to me. Thank you. It woke me up crying, missing him, made me so sad, but it also made me feel like I'd just gotten a big huge hug from my daddy. Oh, I wish I could have one more hug. Just one more.
I pulled the shadowboxes off the wall today to just read his cards. I needed to feel close to him.
This life is full of problems and worries. Many of which you are beginning to experience. If I had my way, you would never have any worries or problems. I am writing this to share with you how very special you are to me. When I see all the problems and worries that come my way, sometimes I get very discouraged. But when I see you, I see something very beautiful, something that makes me very proud to be your father. In you, my little girl, I see hope. I see in you a life that brings joy to everyone you touch. I see a deep, deep love for people in your life. I see God using you to bring peace and love to the lives of those whom you meet. You are very special!
If my life were to end today, I want you to know that you are a very special blessing to me. If I live for fifty more years, then every day I will praise God that He gave me such a very special little girl. My one wish is that you will always know that I am available to you. I pray that I will always be a father that you will be proud of. That is my dream. My hope is that you will continue to let your light shine before this very dark world.
I love you. This love will never fade away. You are in your daddy's heart forever.
To my special girl,
Your Dad
In this season of Thanksgiving, I give thanks for so very, very much. I'm more than abundantly blessed. And so loved. But today, I'm beyond thankful for the gift of his words. For the gift of his love. For the gift of being so treasured by him. Today, I thank You, God, for my dad. Thank you. I rejoice that I had him for 31 years, and that You have him for all eternity. Evermore and evermore.