My dad and Teresa bought this tree for Michael for his birthday a few years ago. Neither of us our good at yard work, so when it survived the first year, I think we both were in shock. This fall, in October, in a futile attempt to correct our septic system problems, we put new field lines down. I was sad because that meant we had to move the tree. Off to the backyard it went- forgotten. Literally. I didn't even think about that tree until last week when I was walking around the yard, mesmerized by the newest and most perfect septic solution- our treatment plant. We are so proud of that, haha! I saw the tree, and I automatically teared up, so mad at myself that I hadn't watered it or even checked on it. That's how everything is now that has a connection with my dad. I want to take extra special care of it. I thought the tree was dead- it certainly looked dead, but I bent back a limb just to see. It was green! I was so excited. And then today when I looked at it, I saw several blooms. That's God. He's everywhere, and He answers prayers of a broken heart in the most simple ways- like through the life and beauty of this tree. And He reminds me of the life my dad has now. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!"
Cohen keeps telling me lately, "Mommy, I love Jesus." It's the sweetest thing and the sweetest words, and that's just how I feel. I love you, Jesus. You are my Comforter, my Healer, my Lord and King, my Redeemer. You are my Immanuel, my Savior, my Listener, my Hiding Place. Thank you, Jesus, for showing Your presence to me today in a special way.
I miss my daddy. I look for him everywhere I go, and I still think that it might be him when my phone lights up. More than anything, I'm thankful that he gave me the spiritual background that I need to carry me through this. I'm so glad he and my mom made sure we were in church all the time. Because you know what comforts me the most? The simple hymns that we grew up singing. I get sad, and one will inevitably pop in my head.
This is the one that's been playing in my head nonstop lately. "Rock of Ages." Let me hide myself in Thee.
While I draw this fleeting breath,
when mine eyelids close in death,
when I soar through tracts unknown
see thee on thy judgment throne,
let me hide myself in thee.